Featured poet: Henery X (long)

Henery X (long) was recently a featured poet in the bestselling Train River Poetry: Fall 2019 anthology. He has two published works, It Was Destined...Urban Legend and Positive Energy 24/7. He has built a strong community of creatives and is a leader in collaborative poetic endeavors. We had the opportunity to interview him about his creative process and upcoming works.

Congratulations on publishing your recent book It Was Destined...Urban Legend. What inspired you to write this book?

Thank You for your well wishes.

It Was Destined...Urban Legend was a story...9-years in the making. It started out as your typical urban fiction novel, but as time grew me wiser, I realized the power of words. So, I decided to make it be more about encouragement, enlightenment, as well as entertainment. I wanted the characters to influence the reader to not only desire something greater, but begin to make it a reality as well.

What does literary success look like to you?

Literary success to me is when what's written, inspires others to desire something greater for themselves. I'm a firm believer that great literature consist of the three E's: encouragement, enlightenment and entertainment...in this exact order. True success is measured by how many people Lives we help change for the better.

How many hours a day do you write?

I wake up, diligently, at 4 am EST to begin my writing process. By noon, I have enough material to satisfy the multiple areas I share my efforts (social media, my phone contacts, my WIP etc.).

What is your motivation for writing?

My motivation for writing is that I desire change in this world, so, I understand that I must represent the change I desire. I write pieces designed to provoke thought, and hopefully activate a desire to change.

You have recently shared your collaborative works U.N.I.T.Y. and Something Has To Give. What prompted you to lead these projects?

The U N. I. T. Y and Something Has To Give short story collaborations were inspired by my Love of writing, as well as by the Love I have for other writers'. These writing exercises not only make us better writers', but more importantly, better people as well. We are many, working as one, which is something we can incorporate into our interactions with those outside of social media.

Are you looking for new writers to join you in future collaborative works?

I'm always looking to connect with new writers', because I'm always looking to learn, above everything else, from a writer's perspective...I'm a student first and foremost. I can be reached via my Instagram account: @writepath247 or my email address: selfcreated124@gmail.com

Where can readers read more of your work?

Readers' can read more of my work via my Instagram account, my website blog, and of course by purchasing autographed copies of my books.

To read even more by Henery X (long), check out Train River Poetry : anthology Fall 2019, our bestselling collection of modern poetry.