Featured Poet: Meg Kyffin

We recently had the opportunity to interview Meg Kyffin about her approach to writing and her Debut book Tissues & Tidal Waves.

Congratulations on the publication of your new book Tissues & Tidal Waves! What inspired you to write this book?

I have always loved the thought of having a hard copy of my writing, the thought that something I have produced could be on bedside tables, bookshelves or coffee tables around the world and that people could find some sort of comfort or inspiration from my words. 

Can you describe your creative process?

I'm not sure that I have a specific process in terms of writing, I tend to jot down thoughts as they come to me throughout the day, either on my phone or in a journal and then end up putting them onto my laptop to create a rip out for an instagram post or into a word document for a book page. In terms of instagram posts I use a mixture of apps to create the posts and spend a lot of time in nature around my local area to find background images. 

What does your workspace look like?

I have a desk at home with three indoor plants on it, surrounded by fairy lights and a few candles. My desk is tidy and minimal, I'm not one for a messy workspace, which I suppose could be unusual for a create soul. 

What is your motivation for writing?

I write because it helps me process my thoughts, it helps me put things into words that I don't know how to say out loud. 

What does literary success look like to you?

If one person has my book and is able to find comfort, solace, inspiration, confidence, to feel any sort of emotion from it then that is a success for me. I'm not really about gaining any monetary value from it as much as I simply hope people can resonate with my words and if they inspire someone else to start writing then that is great by me. 

Where can readers read more of your work?

My work is on my Instagram page @mkwritespoetry and on a Facebook page with the same handle, I also have a poem published with the Purple Train River Summer Anthology 2020. I have dreams to start a podcast where I can recite and record my poems but that is being saved for the future.   

SpeakKatherine Bakken