Featured Poet: Victoria McCleskey

Victoria McCleskey is a published poet with multiple credits to her name.   We recently had the opportunity to ask some questions about her poetry, process and new projects.

Congratulations on launching a Patreon account! What inspired you to open up this new way to connect with your audience? 

To be able to expand my horizons in terms of building a community of writers and readers alike so I can interact with them more, share tips, and get closer with them, But also to inspire them as well as myself. Everyone has a different goal and sometimes that too can be inspirational just to motivate myself to keep reaching for my own as they do theirs.

What kinds of perks can your Patrons look forward to?

My Patreon consists of Poems, short stories and art. I do shoutouts, personalized poems/art in the mail, and special patron-only bonus content, such as most of my art pieces or short stories, for a pretty low price, and the perks will be upgrading as the community grows!

What inspires you to write? 

Writing is my happy place, it's cathartic. Throw on some music and start writing, and everything will be okay. Plus the fact that I can share that with the world, while they might interpret it differently than myself, is nice. To be able connect with people on that level is exciting to me.

Who is your favorite poet to read? 

I don't think I have a favourite, honestly. Of course, this answer could always change in the future!

Do you have any advice for new poets? 

Don't make it a chore to write. Don't make it stressful, and write from your heart. You can always go back and make changes, you got this!

Where can readers find more of your work?

Most of my writing is on my Patreon, Instagram, Wattpad and AllPoetry.

Check out the Train River Poetry anthologies to read more poetry by Victoria McClesky and to discover new poets.

Interview, SpeakKatherine Bakken