Shakespeare was published in chapbooks
You can be published in a chapbook too.
What is a chapbook?
Historically, chapbooks were small books made of folded paper featuring popular texts. These documents are characterized as being highly portable, sharable, and self contained documents featuring folklore, almanacs, woodcut illustrations, and poetry. Chapbooks were a reading materials designed for everyone, including those who could not afford books.
Modern chapbooks are usually poetry, short story, or theme based and typically under 40 pages.
Why write a chapbook?
The wonderful thing about chapbooks is how easy they are to produce and share. With a few cups of coffee and a long afternoon you can produce a chapbook. It’s an incredibly rewarding process that can help alleviate imposter syndrome or just be a fun way to share your work.
Does it have to be poetry?
It is common for chapbooks to include small illustrations and prints. If you are planning to self publish feel free to include any works that you have publishing right to. If you are planning to submit your work to a chapbook contest for publishing consideration be sure to read all of the submission guidelines to see if they accept works with pictures.
Chapbooks can also be a way to share a short story. Stephen King released early drafts of his story “The Plant” as chapbooks which he gifted to his friends instead of Christmas Cards.
Authors also use chapbooks as ways to share excerpts from their books. For example, if you wrote a 1,000 page Sci-Fi novel you could publish a limited edition chapbook with excerpts to use as a marketing tool for your larger work. It’s a great way to grow your audience and who knows, it might end up being a collectors item.
Will a chapbook make me Rich and Famous?
Probably not! It is a great way to market your writing, prove that you’re serious about your craft, and get your name out into the world. Besides, know what’s cooler than reading poetry off your iPhone notes at your local open mic? Reading poetry from your chapbook at your open mic, with signed copies available for $5 at the table in the back!
What about chapbook contests?
There are a number of chapbook contests where the winner will receive a cash prize, typically $500-$1000. Sometimes the prize is taken against royalties, sometimes it’s in lieu of royalties. These contests typically require submission fees ranging from $5-$35. In some cases the submission fees are really just to cover administrative costs. In other cases the submission fee is really just a way to generate income for the press.